Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 2.djvu/481

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the middle of the century to the close, there are few inventories of large personal estates among the items of which wool-cards and woollen-wheels do not appear. A few instances drawn from different periods may be given. Edward Jones of Henrico had four spinning-wheels; William Porteus of Lower Norfolk and Richard Pargatis of Middlesex, two each; John Nicholas of Lower Norfolk and Nicholas Gage of Lancaster, one each.[1] Joseph Croshaw of York left three woollen-wheels.[2] In 1670, a woollen-wheel and two reels formed a part of the Hubbard estate,[3] and also of the estate of John March of the same county.[4] A pair of wool-cards were in the same year included in the Bond estate.[5] The Newell estate possessed nine pairs.[6] John Collins of York owned eleven and John Hubbard eight wool-cards,[7] William Marshall of Elizabeth City eighteen,[8] Henry Spratt of Lower Norfolk five,[9] and Henry Jones of Henrico four, and Thomas Osborne two.[10] The

  1. Records of Henrico County, vol. 1688-1697, pp. 628, 630, Va. State Library; Records of Middlesex County, original vol. 1694-1703, p. 22; Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1695-1703, f. p. 96; Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1690-1709, p. 97; Records of Lower Norfolk County, vol. 1686-1695, p. 198. The references to woollen-wheels in the records of this county are very numerous.
  2. Records of York County, vol. 1664-1672, p. 256, Va. State Library.
  3. Ibid., p. 464.
  4. Ibid., vol. 1687-1691, p. 40. The list of owners of woollen-wheels might be extended almost indefinitely. In some cases, the wheel and support were made of black walnut. See Henry Randolph’s estate, Records of Henrico County, vol. 1688-1697, p. 428, Va. State Library.
  5. Records of York County, vol. 1664-1672, p. 448, Va. State Library.
  6. Ibid., vol. 1675-1684, p. 140.
  7. Ibid., vol. 1677-1682, p. 105; Ibid., vol. 1664-1672, p. 319, Va. State Library.
  8. Records of Elizabeth City County, vol. 1684-1699, p. 300, Va. State Library.
  9. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1686-1695, f. p. 95.
  10. Records of Henrico County, vol. 1688-1697, pp. 351, 630, Va. State Library.