Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 2.djvu/486

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tion which included one thousand acres in its area.[1] A few years previous to this, John Watterson of Northampton had bought four hundred and forty-four acres.[2] In Rappahannock, towards the close of the century, Joseph Smith, Thomas Winslow, and Herman Skilderman are found selling large tracts of land which they owned.[3] John Elder of Lower Norfolk purchased three hundred and seven acres. A few years later, John Winder of the same county bought one hundred.[4] In 1660, John Walker of Lancaster was in possession of four hundred and thirty acres; and a few years afterwards, John Carpenter of the same county sold five hundred,[5] and Nicholas West of Middlesex purchased two hundred.[6] It is probable that in all of these instances the area of ground held by the tailors named was very much in excess of that which has been mentioned.

The list of artificers for whom the London Company advertised in 1609 did not include tanners, curriers, and shoemakers, from which it would be inferred that the corporation expected to furnish the settlers with shoes from England in addition to every other form of clothing.[7]

  1. Records of Accomac County, original vol. 1673-1675, p. 192.
  2. Records of Northampton County, original vol. 1666-1688, p. 32.
  3. Records of Rappahannock County, vol. 1695-1699, pp. 76, 170; Ibid., vol. 1677-1682, p. 148; see also John Owen, Ibid., vol. 1682-1692, pp. 79, 80, Va. State Library.
  4. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1666-1675, p. 117; Ibid., vol. 1675-1686, p. 23. Bryant Cahill, a tailor, owned two lots in Norfolk town in 1692. Ibid., original vol. 1686-1695, f. p. 186. William Simpson, another tailor, owned one lot in York town. See Records of York County, vol. 1691-1701, p. 195, Va. State Library.
  5. Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1654-1702, p. 390; Ibid., vol. 1666-1682, p. 35. Thomas Thompson of this county was also a landowner. See Ibid., p. 289.
  6. Records of Middlesex County, original vol. 1673-1685, p. 72.
  7. Brown’s Genesis of the United States, pp. 353, 355.