Page:Economic Reform Policy by Envoy Dodge (Dodge Line).pdf/43

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(3) The issue amount of soounted Industrial Bank bonds and state of recent selling Among Industrial Bank bonds, the unregistered bonds excluding the Industrial Bank bonds with laterest (218 counted Indtzatrial Bank bonds) are issued 11,1 billion et present and a little over 60 percent 19 offered for public sub- scription and a little less than 40 peroant 19 not offered for p2 0210 atbaaription (they are recedved by bank or 24tefnau rano eto. . Isgue of a 1ś counted Industrial Bank Londg' 10 only. 06 bilion per the Isaue. Although aguraten haben and they are absorbed auring the Rigures are unknown, the selling amount in Osaka 18 about 30–40 million per month. Sot een be said that the volume of the discounted Industrial Benk bonds, to absort the deposit is small compaired with the increase of the monthly amount of unregistered deposit Prom 1 billion to 2 61111on in the existence of unregistered deposit last year. 0143 RE'-0010