Page:Eddington A. Space Time and Gravitation. 1920.djvu/112

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proposing some kind of mechanism for transmitting it through the water.

But there was one fish who thought of quite another plan. He was impressed by the fact that whether the fish were big or little they always took the same course, although it would naturally take a bigger force to deflect the bigger fish. He therefore concentrated attention on the courses rather than on the forces. And then he arrived at a striking explanation of the whole thing. There was a mound in the world round about where the sun-fish lay. Flat-fish could not appreciate it directly because they were two-dimensional; but whenever a fish went swimming over the slopes of the mound, although he did his best to swim straight on, he got turned round a bit. (If a traveller goes over the left slope of a mountain, he must consciously keep bearing away to the left if he wishes to keep to his original direction relative to the points of the compass.) This was the secret of the mysterious attraction, or bending of the paths, which was experienced in the region.

The parable is not perfect, because it refers to a hummock in space alone, whereas we have to deal with hummocks in space-time. But it illustrates how a curvature of the world we live in may give an illusion of attractive force, and indeed can only be discovered through some such effect. How this works out in detail must now be considered.

In the form , Einstein's law expresses conditions to be satisfied in a gravitational field produced by any arbitrary distribution of attracting matter. An analogous form of Newton's law was given by Laplace in his celebrated expression . A more illuminating form of the law is obtained if, instead of putting the question what kinds of space-time can exist under the most general conditions in an empty region, we ask what kind of space-time exists in the region round a single attracting particle? We separate out the effect of a single particle, just as Newton did. We can further simplify matters by introducing some definite mesh-system, which, of course, must be of a type which is not inconsistent with the kind of space-time found.

We need only consider space of two dimensions—sufficient for the so-called plane orbit of a planet—time being added as the third dimension. The remaining dimension of space can