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Babbage's Calculating Engine.

was in progress in France; and it was not until tlie calculation of the French work was completed, that its author was informed of the publication of the English work. This circumstance caused the French calculator to relinquish the publication of his tables. The manuscript subsequently passed into the library of Delambre, and, after his death, was purchased at the sale of his books, by Mr Babbage, in whose possession it now is. Some years ago it was thought advisable to compare these manuscript tables with Taylor's Logarithms, with a view to ascertain the errors in each, but especially in Taylor. The two works were peculiarly well suited for the attainment of this end; as the circumstances under which they were produced, rendered it quite certain that they were computed independently of each other. The comparison was conducted under the direction of the late Dr Young, and the result was the detection of the following nineteen errors in Taylor's Logarithms. To enable those who used Taylor's Logarithms to make the necessary corrections in them, the corrections of the detected errors appeared as follows in the Nautical Almanac for 1832.

Errata, detected in Taylor's Logarithms. London: 4to, 1792.

i'^.'l'^!':iI;'/^l.C6-tarigentof 1.35.35 for 43671 rm^/ 42671 2ii.'..iif; Co-tang-ent of. 4.4.49 s!... .'.'.. Sine of. 4.23.38 — 43107 4 Sine of... '.iWirj^U 4.23.39 — 5....^. Sine of.....;;...;.] 6.45.52 — Q>..,.Kk Co-sine of. 14.18. 3 — l....Ss Tangent of. 18. 1.56 — S....Aaa Co-tangent of... ..21. 11. 14 — 9....Ggg Tangent of 23.48.19 — 10 Co-tangent of... ..23.48.19 — l....Iii Sine of 25. 5. 4 — 12 Sine of 25. 5. 5 — 13 Sine of 25. 5. 6 — H.. Sine of 25. 5. 7 — 15 Sme of 25. 5. 8 — 16 Sine of 25. 5. 9 — 17. ..Qqq Tangent of. 28.19.39 — 18. ..4 H Tangent of. 35.55.51 — 19. ..4 A' Co-sine of. 37.29. 2 — 66976 — 66979 43107 — 43007 43381

43281 10001 — 11001 3398 — 3298 5064 — 6064 6062 — . 5962 6087 — 5987 3913

4013 3173

3183 3218

3228 3263 — 3273 3308 — 3318 8353 — 3363 8398 — 3408 6302

6402 1681 . 1581 5503 — 5603

An error being detected in this list of Errata, we find, in the Nautical Almanac for the year 1833, the following Erratum of the Errata of Taylor's Logarithms:—

'In the list of Errata detected in Taylor's Logarithms, for cos. 4° 18′ 3″, read cos. 14° 18′ 2″.'