Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/56

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the ground, he asked the youth his name, where he was from and how he came to be with the party heading for the other side of the continent.

“I rather like yer looks, younker,” added the grim old trapper; “I hope ye’ll git through right side up and scoop more gold than yer hoss can carry.”

“I haven’t any idea of that,” replied Alden, proud that he should have caught the pleased attention of this veteran of the plains.

The conversation went on with no particular point to it, and before it was late, the guard was set for the night, while the others turned in to sleep. Shagbark explained that they were not yet far enough out on the plains to be in much danger, though he had had more than one scrap with the redskins still farther to the east. But he insisted that a strict watch should be set each night. The training was needed in view of what was sure to come later on.

Having had so pleasant a chat with Shagbark, Alden naturally expected pleasant attention from him. He waited till the man had lighted his pipe and ridden a hundred