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from their sheaths with a metallic clinking, added a livid flame to the gloved hand of every cavalier.

This v^as enough to throw the looters into a panic. The crowd broke in front, and flung themselves into the side streets to the left and right. The more daring hurried to get out of the way on the opposite pavement or beneath the trees in the center of the avenue.

"Charge!" ordered Van Frans, sharply. "Forward!"

And the squadron dashed forward at a breakneck gallop. Stirrups and scabbards clanked each other, the pavement sparkled like an anvil.

After having put the mob to flight and pretended to chase them, the soldiers halted, wheeled, and charged a second time, in the opposite direction.

The police succeeded in dispersing the last rioters, and by now, being in the majority, began to capture the ringleaders and put them under arrest.

Pursued from that side, the most infurated members of the mob resigned themselves to making a demonstration elsewhere.

Turning the comer of a street, Laurent found himself face to face with Regina. The news of the riot had surprised the Béjards at the dinner table, and while her husband had gone to the Hotel de Ville to confer with his friends, Gina, in spite of all efforts to detain her, had walked out alone, curious to see for herself her husband's unpopularity.

Laurent took her by the arm.

"Come with me, Regina. You can't go home. Your house is a ruin, and even the street is dangerous for you. It would be better for you to go to your father's,"

She saw that he was wearing the colors of Bergmans' party upon his cap.