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that rigid knave, that get yourself out as best you can; sacrifice himself for some one else! For Béjard!"

"So! Perhaps you've all just come from the moon, eh? There has been nothing else talked of but this liquidation since early this morning, in the offices, on the street-cars, at the harbor …"

"Daelmans-Deynze is to become the proprietor of the factory. Old Saint-Fardier is also quitting the manufacture of candles. He is dropping the father-in-law in order to become the son-in-law's silent partner. Saint-Fardier is to replace Dupoissy, who lacks 'punch,' in the office of enlistment for America, and he will take charge of the internal arrangements of the ships. There are thousands and thousands of francs waiting to be earned. They've announced the next departure of the Gina with five hundred heads."

"Instead of ebony, Béjard is setting out to sell ivory," concluded De Zater archly.

"By the way, De Maes, I'll take up those consols of yours, whenever they're due …"

"Dobouziez consented to remain as manager at the salary of a cabinet minister, so the cashier at the factory told me …"

"Two words. Monsieur De Zater, about the oils. Shall I buy, or sell?"

"Sell! You are pretty green, Tobiel! Telegraph without delay to Marseilles, and take on all you can get hold of …"

"And that deal in coffee; I'm sending two hundred bales to Brand Brothers, of Hamburg, on the Feldmarschall, and at the same time, I've told my broker to buy leathers with the proceeds …"

"Gentlemen, I have the honor … De Zater, I'm at