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want about me, overwhelm me with contempt, but know that there is nothing I would not do for your happiness!"

It was the sincere expression of his feelings, but wherefore, while offering Gina this respectful devotion, did the rough pressure of his fingers, and the wild light of his eyes give the lie to his speech?

"If Béjard were to disappear, it would be Bergmans that you would marry?"

His voice seemed to come from the other world, like that of one who dreams out loud.

"Do you want me to kill him, that husband of yours? You have only to speak the word! Come, answer me! Answer me, I say!"

His murderous look did not threaten only the person who had defined it with such intensity and concentrated fire. Gina had just read in it something other than murderous fury, a more direct plea, an imminent danger …

"Before I assure your happiness and that of Bergmans forever, be good to me just for one instant, Gina … the instant that it takes to give a sister's kiss. Then I shall leave to accomplish my mission. And you shall never see me again … Quick! the farewell kiss, my Regina …"

His voice changed, became hoarse and threatening; his plea sounded false; he dragged her by force to him, twisting her wrists as he did it.

"Laurent! Stop! You're hurting me!…"

Instead of obeying her, he stroked the flesh of her arm; he even put his hands to her corsage, and, at the thrill of her bosom, beneath the thin material of her tea-gown, he pressed his lips greedily to hers. Almost thrown back, and on the point of belonging to