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to foot Gina would find him altogether presentable.

An illusion, a lure, a mirage, that day was none the less one of the happiest in Laurent's experience. After Gina had paved the way, every one at the factory, even Cousin William and the irreconciliable Felicité, was more gentle with the boy, and did not scold him as often.

"Mademoiselle acts as if she still played with dolls," the peevish creature contented herself with saying in an undertone, when Gina made Laurent turn and turn so that he might show his new things to Cousin William.

The game must have amused the girl, for when the tailor delivered Laurent's things on the eve of a boat trip to Hemixem, where the Dobouziez had their country place, she asked that he be included in the party. As he was to leave the following day, her parents lent themselves to this latest fancy, upon condition that he merit it by prodigies of application to his studies.

Decidedly Laurent felt his last prejudices disappear. He was of the privileged age when injuries are forgiven, VN^hen the slightest attention compensates for years of disaffection and indifference.