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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

(3) The Court may, in addition to granting an injunction, make an order requiring a person to do a specified act.

(4) The Court may grant an interim injunction pending the determination of an application under this section. Such an injunction may be granted merely on the basis of rebuttable evidence of the illegal conduct alleged to have been engaged in.

(5) An application for an injunction under this section can be made by—

(a) a candidate at the election—
(i) for the same constituency; or
(ii) in the case of an election relating to the Heung Yee Kuk or a Rural Committee, for the same body; or
(b) the election agent of such a candidate; or
(c) a person who is registered as an elector for the constituency or body concerned; or
(d) if the election is one at which corporate electors are eligible to vote, a member of a body that is registered as a corporate elector for the constituency or body concerned; or
(e) if the election: to elect a person as a Member of the Legislative Council to represent a functional constituency, a body or natural person referred to in section 25(5) or (6) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542).

(6) Despite subsection (5), an application for an injunction under this section can be made by—

(a) if the election is to elect the Chief Executive, a person specified for this purpose under any law in force providing for the election of the Chief Executive; or
(b) if the election is to elect a village representative, a person specified for this purpose under any law in force providing for the election of village representatives.

(7) An application for an injunction under this section can also be made by—

(a) a person who alleges that the name or logo of or associated with the person, or a pictorial representation of the person; or
(b) an organization that alleges that the name or logo of or associated with the organization,

has been included in an election advertisement in contravention of section 27.