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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

(2) In this section, "officer" (高級人員), in relation to a corporation, means a director, executive officer or other person who is concerned in the management of the corporation.

43. Attempts to be treated as complete offences

(1) A person who, with the relevant knowledge or intent, attempts to do an act that constitutes an offence against this Ordinance is guilty of attempting to commit the offence.

(2) A person who is convicted of an attempt to commit an offence against this Ordinance is subject to the same penalties and disqualifications imposed by any law to which the person would have been subject on conviction of the offence attempted.

44. Rights of creditors not affected by contravention of this Ordinance

The fact that an election expense has been incurred in contravention of this Ordinance does not prevent a person who has supplied goods or services in relation to which the expense was incurred from exercising any rights that the person has as a creditor under the contract for the supply of the goods or services if the person was unaware of the contravention at the time when the contract was entered into.

45. Chief Executive in Council may make regulations

(1) The Chief Executive in Council may make regulations prescribing the maximum amount of election expenses that can be incurred—

(a) by or on behalf of a candidate at an election; or
(b) where the list system of voting is used at an election, by or on behalf of a group of candidates.

(2) A regulation under this section may prescribe different maximum amounts for different kinds of elections and for different constituencies and for different bodies to which this Ordinance applies.

46. Repeal of Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance

The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance (Cap. 288) is repealed.

47. Consequential amendments to other Ordinances

The Ordinances specified in column 2 of the Schedule are respectively amended as set out in column 3 of that Schedule.