Page:Electra of Euripides (Murray 1913).djvu/49

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Thou knowest, when Orestes was cast out
I was a child. . . . If I did weave some clout
Of raiment, would he keep the vesture now
He wore in childhood? Should my weaving grow
As his limbs grew? . . . 'Tis lost long since. No more!
O, either 'twas some stranger passed, and shore
His locks for very ruth before that tomb:
Or, if he found perchance, to seek his home,
Some spy . . .

Old Man.

The strangers! Where are they? I fain
Would see them, aye, and bid them answer plain . . .


Here at the door! How swift upon the thought!

Enter Orestes and Pylades.

Old Man.

High-born: albeit for that I trust them not.
The highest oft are false. . . . Howe'er it be,
[Approaching them.
I bid the strangers hail!


All hail to thee,
Greybeard!—Prithee, what man of all the King
Trusted of old, is now this broken thing?


'Tis he that trained my father's boyhood.