Page:Electrical Engineering Volume 1.djvu/17

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2201. Electricity is the name given to that which directly causes all electrical phenomena. The word is derived from the Greek word elektron, meaning amber.

Although electrical science has made great advances in the last few years, the exact nature of electricity is unknown. Recent researches tend to demonstrate that all electrical phenomena are due to a peculiar state or stress of a medium, called ether (see Art. 1126); that, when in this condition, the ether possesses potential energy or capacity for doing work, as is manifested by attractions and repulsions, by chemical decomposition, and by luminous, heating, and various other effects.

2202. All researches tend to prove that electricity is not a form of matter, for the only physical properties it possesses in common with material substances are indestructibility and elasticity; it does not possess weight, extension, nor any of the other physical properties of matter.

2203. Electrical science is founded upon the effects produced by the action of certain forces upon matter, and all knowledge of the science is deduced from these effects. The study of the fundamental principles of the science is an analysis of a series of experiments and the classification of the results, under laws and rules. It is not necessary to keep in mind any hypothesis as to the exact nature of electricity; its effects and the laws which govern them are

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