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Ord. No. 1 of 2000
(b) where it is required that information be presented, the information is capable of being displayed in a legible form to the person to whom it is to be presented.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a)—

(a) the criterion for assessing the integrity of the information is whether the information has remained complete and unaltered, apart from the addition of any endorsement or any change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage or display; and
(b) the standard for reliability of the assurance is to be assessed having regard to the purpose for which the information was generated and all the other relevant circumstances.

(3) This section applies whether the requirement in subsection (1) is in the form of an obligation or whether the rule of law merely provides consequences for the information not being presented or retained in its original form.

8. Retention of information in electronic records

(1) Where a rule of law requires certain information to be retained, whether in writing or otherwise, the requirement is satisfied by retaining electronic records, if—

(a) the information contained in the electronic record remains accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference;
(b) the relevant electronic record is retained in the format in which it was originally generated, sent or received, or in a format which can be demonstrated to represent accurately the information originally generated, sent or received; and
(c) the information which enables the identification of the origin and destination of the electronic record and the date and time when it was sent or received, is retained.

(2) This section applies whether the requirement in subsection (1) is in the form of an obligation or whether the rule of law merely provides consequences for the information not being retained.

9. Admissibility of electronic records

Without prejudice to any rules of evidence, an electronic record shall not be denied admissibility in evidence in any legal proceeding on the sole ground that it is an electronic record.