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Ord. No. 1 of 2000

“private key” (私人密碼匙) means the key of a key pair used to generate a digital signature;

“public key” (公開密碼匙) means the key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature;

“recognized certificate” (認可證書) means—

(a) a certificate recognized under section 22;
(b) a certificate of a type, class or description of certificate recognized under section 22; or
(c) a certificate designated as a recognized certificate issued by the certification authority referred to in section 34;

“recognized certification authority” (認可核證機關) means a certification authority recognized under section 21 or the certification authority referred to in section 34;

“record” (紀錄) means information that is inscribed on, stored in or otherwise fixed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in a perceivable form;

“reliance limit” (倚據限額) means the monetary limit specified for reliance on a recognized certificate;

“repository” (儲存庫) means an information system for storing and retrieving certificates and other information relevant to certificates;

“responsible officer” (負責人員), in relation to a certification authority, means a person occupying a position of responsibility in relation to the activities of the certification authority relevant to this Ordinance;

“rule of law” (法律規則) means—

(a) an Ordinance;
(b) a rule of common law or a rule of equity; or
(c) customary law;

“Secretary” (局長) means the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting;

“sign” and “signature” (簽、簽署) include any symbol executed or adopted, or any methodology or procedure employed or adopted, by a person with the intention of authenticating or approving a record;#

“subscriber” (登記人) means a person (who may be a certification authority) who—

(a) is named or identified in a certificate as the person to whom the certificate is issued;
(b) has accepted that certificate; and
(c) holds a private key which corresponds to a public key listed in that certificate;

“trustworthy system” (穩當系統) means computer hardware, software and procedures that—

(a) are reasonably secure from intrusion and misuse;