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and consists of two horizontal half-wave antennas mounted at right angles to each other in the same horizontal plane.

TWISTED PAIR—A line consisting of two insulated wires twisted together to form a flexible line without the use of spacers.
TWO-WIRE OPEN LINE—A parallel line consisting of two wires that are generally spaced from 2 to 6 inches apart by insulating spacers.
TWO-WIRE RIBBON (TWIN LEAD)—A parallel line similar to a two-wire open line except that uniform spacing is assured by embedding the two wires in a low-loss dielectric.
UNIDIRECTIONAL ARRAY—An array that radiates in only one general direction.
UNTUNED LINE—Another name for the flat or nonresonant line.
V ANTENNA—A bidirectional antenna, shaped like a V, which is widely used for communications.
VELOCITY—The rate at which a disturbance travels through a medium.
VERTICAL AXIS—On a graph, the straight line axis oriented from bottom to top.
VERTICAL PATTERN—The part of a radiation pattern that is radiated in the vertical plane.
VERTICAL PLANE—An imaginary plane that is perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
VERTICALLY POLARIZED—Waves radiated with the E-field component perpendicular to the earth's surface.
VOLTAGE STANDING-WAVE RATIO (VSWR)—The ratio of maximum to minimum voltage of a transmission line.
WAVE MOTION—A recurring disturbance advancing through space with or without the use of a physical medium.
WAVE TRAIN—A continuous series of waves with the same amplitude and wavelength.
WAVEFRONT—A small section of an expanding sphere of electromagnetic radiation, perpendicular to the direction of travel of the energy.
WAVEGUIDE—A rectangular, circular, or elliptical metal pipe designed to transport electro-magnetic waves through its interior.
WAVEGUIDE MODE OF OPERATION— Particular field configuration in a waveguide that satisfies the boundary conditions. Usually divided into two broad types: the transverse electric (TE) and the transverse magnetic (TM).
WAVEGUIDE POSTS—A rod of conductive material used as impedance-changing devices in waveguides.
WAVEGUIDE SCREW—A screw that projects into a waveguide for the purpose of changing the impedance.
WAVELENGTH—(1) The distance in space occupied by 1 cycle of a radio wave at any given instant; (2) The distance a disturbance travels during one period of vibration.
WINDOW—See Slot. YAGI ANTENNA—A multielement parasitic array. Elements lie in the same plane as those of the end-fire array.
