Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/40

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Cheap phiⁿ—.
Chicken koi; 241b
Child nôu-kiáⁿ; 315b 214b; kiáⁿ; 214b
China Tong-kok; 504a 243b
Chinese tn̂g-nâng; 510a 293a
Chop, a jī-hō; 179b 138a,
Cigar hun; 159a
City, a siâⁿ; 426a
Clean chheng-khih; 69b —.
Clear mêng-pe̍h; 16b 364b
Clever lêng-lāi; 301b 289b
Cloth (woollen) nîⁿ; 335b
Clothes saⁿ-khòu; 406a 279b, i-ho̍k; 162a 150a
Clumsy tshún-pũn; 98a 387b
Coal thôu-thùaⁿ; 561a 564a
Coarse tshou; 90b
Cold chhìn; 82a
Collar niáⁿ; 336a
Colour sek; 414b
Comb, a siu; 456a
Come, to lâi; 289b
» back, to tńg--lâi; 511a 289b
Commissioner of Customs, sùe-bũ-si; 413b 420a 28a,
Compass,a lô-keⁿ; 314b 212b
Compensate,to pûe; 362b
Comprador kúan-sṳ̄; 240a 462a
Confucius khóng-hu-tsṳ́; 284a 154a 591a
Confused (as the mind) kông; 246a
Confused (as things) zṳ̂, 186a
Consequences kuan-hĩ; 238a 123b
Constable chhê-koi; 59b 241b
Cook, a húe-thâu; 122b 542b