Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/42

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Dare, to káⁿ; 189a
Dark àm-àm; 3b
Daughter tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; 589b 337b 214b
Day ji̍t; 184b
Daytime ji̍t--kùa; 184b —.
Dead sí; 421a, sí--khṳ̀; 421a 269b
Dear kùi; 251b
Despatch, a kong-bûn; 245a 28b, bûn-tsṳ; 28b 590a
Devil kúi; 250a
Difference, a hun-pie̍t; 158a 372b
Different m̄-tâng; 326b 475a
Difficult kan-khóu; 194b 279a
Directly sûi-sî; 463a 420a
Dirty nah-sap; 294b 410b
Do, to tsò; 586a
Doctor ui-seng; 161a 416b
Dog káu; 198b
Dollar, one che̍k-kâi-ngṳ̂n; 56a —, 113b
Door mn̂g; 330b
Double up, to (as clothes) chih--khí-lâi; 49a 267b 289b
Downstairs làu-ẽ[errata 1]; 295b 100a
Drawer, a keh; 204a
Drink, to chia̍h; 42b
Dry ta; 467a
Duck, a ah; 2a, tsúi-ah; 593a 2a
Dust sua-thôu; 452a 561a, tîn-eng; 502a l0la
Dye, to níⁿ; 336a
Each kak; 243b, kak-kâi 243b, —,
  1. Correction: làu-ẽ should be amended to lãu-ẽ: detail