Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/51

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Next month ãu-kâi-gue̍h; 7b 105a
Night mêⁿ--kùa; 328b —,
Noon ji̍t-tàu; 184b 480a
North pak; 357a, pak-pôiⁿ; 357a 366b
Nose phīⁿ; 395b
Notes (of money) chîⁿ-phiè; 39b 398b
Now chí-tsûn; 380a 596b
Numbers (cardinal) bé-kiáⁿ; 14a 37b
Oar chiéⁿ; 58a
Obey sũn; 466a
Office siá-jī-pâng; 425a 179b 359b
Often sî-sî; 420a, siêⁿ-siêⁿ; 441b
Oil iû; 176b
Old (of persons or things) lãu; 296b
Old (of things) kū; 249a
On the table tshn̂g-téng; 89a 488a
Once che̍k-hûe; 56a 121b
Once, go at sûi-sî khṳ̀; 463a 420a 269b
Oneself ka-kī; 187a 212a
Onion tshang; 63b
Only put-kùe; 387b 203a, tuaⁿ-tuaⁿ; 520b
Open, to khui; 63b
Opium a-phièn; 1a 397a
Opposite tùi-mīn; 532a 20b
Or ho̍k-chiá; 124b 41a
Orange kaⁿ; 189a
Ounce niéⁿ; 338a
Ought eng-kai; 101a 190b
Outside gūa-pôiⁿ; 111a 366b