Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/62

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Wide khuah; 281a
Wife bóu; 23a, chhi; 67a
Wind huang; 150b
Window theng; 539b
Wine chiú; 56b
Wine-glass chiú-pue; 56b 382b
Winter tang-thiⁿ; 474a 549b
Wish, to àiⁿ; 3a
With, together kāng; 196a
With hin, to go kāng-i tsò-pû-khṳ̀; 196a 162a 586a 385a 269l
Woman hũ-jîn; 156b 182b
Wood bȧk; 10a
Work kang-hu; 195b 154a
Work, to tsò kang-hu; 586 195b 154a
Worthy láu-si̇t; 295b 444b
Wounds sieⁿ; 440b
Write siá; 425a, siá-jī; 425a 179b
Wrong m̄-tiėh; 326b 503b
Year nîⁿ; 335b
Year, last kũ-nîⁿ; 249a 335b
Yellow n̂g; 340b
Yesterday tsa-ji̇t; 572b 184b
Yet, not huân-būe; 144a 15b
You lṳ́-kâi; 303b—, nín-kâi; 310b—,