Page:Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics (1902).djvu/201

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To make the problem definite, let us consider a system consisting of the original system together with another having the coördinates , , etc., and forces , etc., tending to increase those coördinates. These are in addition to the forces , , etc., exerted by the original system, and are derived from a force-function () by the equations

For the energy of the whole system we may write
and for the extension-in-phase of the whole system within any limits
or again
since , when , , , , etc., are constant. If the limits are expressed by and , and , and , etc., the integral reduces to
The values of , , , , etc., which make this expression a maximum for constant values of the energy of the whole system and of the differentials , , , etc., are what may be called the most probable values of , , etc., in an ensemble in which the whole system is distributed microcanonically. To determine these values we have
That is,