Page:Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics (1902).djvu/94

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are also identical with those given by Clausius for the corresponding quantities.

Equations (112) and (181) show that if or is known as function of and , , etc., we can obtain by differentiation or , and , etc. as functions of the same variables. We have in fact

The corresponding equation relating to kinetic energy,
which may be obtained in the same way, may be verified by the known relations (186), (187), and (188) between the variables. We have also
etc., so that the average values of the external forces may be derived alike from or from .

The average values of the squares or higher powers of the energies (total, potential, or kinetic) may easily be obtained by repeated differentiations of , , , or , , , with respect to . By equation (108) we have

and differentiating with respect to ,
whence, again by (108),