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on logarithms has been enlarged by the addition of a four-place table of logarithms with explanation of its use.

Chapters xxi., xxv., xxx., xxxiii., xxxviii., xlii., xliii., xliv., xlv., xlvi., xlvii., xlix., and l. treat of portions of the subject that have not appeared in former editions. A chapter on General Theory of Equations is not usually found in an Elementary Algebra, but properly finds here a place in accordance with the purpose of the present revision; and its introduction makes the work available for use in college classes. Carefully selected exercises are given with each chapter, and at the end of the work a large miscellaneous collection will be found.

The Higher Algebra of Messrs. Hall and Knight has been drawn upon, and the works of Todliunter, Chrystal, and DeMorgan consulted in preparing the new chapters.

I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to Prof. J. Burkitt Webb of the Stevens Institute of Technology both for contributions of subject-matter, and valuable suggestions as to methods of treatment. My thanks are also due to Prof. W. H. Bristol, of the same institution, for suggestions as to the arrangement of the chapter on General Theory of Equations.


June, 1896.