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7. The mantissa of log 37203 is .5705780: write the logarithms of 87.203, .000037203, 372030000.

8. The logarithm of 7623 is 3.8821259: write the numbers whose logarithms are .8821259, 6.8821259, 7.8821259.

Given log 2 = .38010300, log 3 = 4771213, log 7 = .8450980, find the value of

9. log 729. 10. log 8400. 11. log .256. 12. log 5.832. 13. log 3 392. 14. log .3048.

15. Show that log {11 15} + log {490 297} — 2 log {7 3} = log 2.

16. Find to six decimal places the value of log 22 log 74°5 + log #342.

17. Simplify log {(10.8)^{1 2} x (.24)^{5 3} (90)^{-2}}, and find its numerical value.

18. Find the value of log (3 126 108 - 6 1008 3 162).

19. Find the value of log 5 588 x 768. 686 x 972.

20. Find the number of digits in 42^42.

21. Show that {81 80}^1000 is greater than 100000.

22. How many ciphers are there between the decimal point and the first significant digit in (2 3)^1000.

23. Find the value of 5 .01008, having given log 398742 = 5.6006921.

24. Find the seventh root of .00792, having given log 11 = 1.0413927 and log 500.977 = 2.6998179.

25. Find the value of 2 log 73 + log133— 8 log $3.