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after this the quotients 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 8 recur; hence

It will be noticed that the quotients recur as soon as we come to a quotient which is double the first.

Explanation. We first find the greatest integer in 19; this is 4, and we write 19 =4+(19-4). We then express 19-4 as an equivalent fraction with a rational numerator. Thus

The work now stands

We begin the second line with the denominator of this complex fraction, which is itself a fraction with a rational denominator. The greatest integer in this fraction is 2, and we write

We then multiply numerator and denominator by the surd conjugate to 19 - 2, so that after inverting the result , we again begin a line with a rational denominator. The same series of operations is performed in each of the following lines.

The first seven convergents formed as explained in Art. 502 are