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13. The difference of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 35; find them. 14. The sum of two numbers is 8, and one of them with 22 added to it is five times the other ; find the numbers. 15. Find two numbers differing by 10 whose sum is equal to twice tlieir difference. 16. A and B begin to play each with $60. If they play till A's money is double B's, what does A win ? 17. Find a number such that if 5, 15, and 35 are added to it, the product of the first and third results may be equal to the square of the second. 18. The difference between the squares of two consecutive numbers is 121 ; find the numbers. 19. The difference of two numbers is 3, and the difference of their squares is 27 ; find the numbers. 20. Divide $380 between A, B, and C, so that B may have $30 more than A, and C may have $20 more than B. 21. A sum of $7 is made up of 46 coins which are either quarters or dimes ; how many are there of each ? 22. If silk costs five times as much as linen, and I spend $48 in buying 22 yards of silk and 50 yards of linen, find the cost of each per yard. 23. A father is four times as old as his son ; in 24 years he will only be twice as old ; find their ages. 24. A is 25 years older than B, and A's age is as much above 20 as B's is below 85 ; find their ages. 25. A's age is three times B's, and in 18 years A will be twice as old as B ; find their ages. 26. A is four times as old as B, and in 20 years will be twice as old as C, who is 5 years older than B ; find their ages. 27. A's age is six times B's, and fifteen years hence A will be three times as old as B ; find their ages. 28. A sum of $16 was paid in dollars, half-dollars, and dimes. The number of half-dollars used was four times the number of dollars and twice the number of dimes ; how many were there of each ? 29. The sum of the ages of A and B is 30 years, and five years hence A will be three times as old as B ; find their present ages. 30. I spend $69.30 in buying 20 yards of calico and 30 yards of silk ; the silk costs as many quarters per yard as the calico costs cents per yard ; find the price of each.