Page:Elements of International Law - Wheaton - Dana (1866).djvu/7

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As the text of this work may be supposed to have now become, by the death of Mr. Wheaton, unalterable, it has been thought judicious to adopt a new mode of division, for the greater convenience of reference. The text is accordingly divided into short sections, the numbering of which is continued through the book; so that hereafter, the sections being permanent and the text unaltered, the book may be cited by the sections, without regard to editions or to pages.

It was Mr. Wheaton's practice, in new editions, to revise his text, and not to put new matter into notes. It will be found, therefore, that his notes are short, and contain rarely any thing more than references to the authors discussed in the text.

This edition contains nothing but the text of Mr. Wheaton, according to his last revision, his notes, and the original matter contributed by the editor. Mr. Wheaton's notes are indicated by letters. The original contributions of the editor are all in the form of notes, which are indicated by numbers, enclosed in brackets, and signed with the letter D.