Page:Eliot - Adam Bede, vol. III, 1859.djvu/277

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"I'd no notion as thee'dst ever think of her for a wife."

"But is it o' any use to think of her?" said Adam—"what dost say? Mother's made me as I hardly know where I am, with what she's been saying to me this forenoon. She say she's sure Dinah feels for me more than common, and 'ud be willing t' have me. But I'm afraid she speaks without book. I want to know if thee'st seen anything."

"It's a nice point to speak about," said Seth, "and I'm afraid o' being wrong; besides, we've no right t' intermeddle with people's feelings when they wouldn't tell 'em themselves."

Seth paused.

"But thee mightst ask her," he said, presently. "She took no offence at me for asking; and thee'st more right than I had, only thee't not in the Society. But Dinah doesn't hold wi' them as are for keeping the Society so strict to themselves. She doesn't mind about making folks enter the Society, so as they're fit t' enter the kingdom o' God. Some o' the brethren at Treddles'on are displeased with her for that."