Page:Eliot - Daniel Deronda, vol. I, 1876.djvu/154

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"Is that the last word you have to say to me Gwendolen? Will it always be so?"

She could not help seeing his wretchedness and feeling a little regret for the old Rex who had not offended her. Decisively, but yet with some return of kindliness she said—

"About making love? Yes. But I don't dislike you for anything else."

There was just a perceptible pause before he said a low "good-bye," and passed out of the room. Almost immediately after, she heard the heavy hall-door bang behind him.

Mrs Davilow too had heard Rex's hasty departure, and presently came into the drawing-room, where she found Gwendolen seated on the low couch, her face buried, and her hair falling over her figure like a garment. She was sobbing bitterly. "My child, my child, what is it?" cried the mother, who had never before seen her darling struck down in this way, and felt something of the alarmed anguish that women feel at the sight of overpowering sorrow in a strong man; for this child had been her ruler. Sitting down by her with circling arms, she pressed her cheek against Gwendolen's head, and then tried to draw it upward. Gwendolen gave way, and letting her head rest against her mother, cried out sobbingly, "Oh