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HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN KENT. By Walter Jerrold. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back. 6s, [Highways and Byways Series.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN YORKSHIRE. By Arthur H. Norway, Illustrated by Joseph Pennell and Hugh Thomson. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back. 6s. [Highways and Byways Series.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN DONEGAL AND ANTRIM. By Stephen Gwynn. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back, 6s, [Highways and Byways Series.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN NORTH WALES. By A. G, Bradley. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell and Hugh Thomson. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back. 6s. [Highways and Byways Series.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN DEVON AND CORNWALL. By Arthur H, Norway. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell and Hugh Thomson. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back, 6s, [Highways and Byways Series.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN LONDON. By Mrs. E. T. Cook, Illustrated by Hugh Thomson and Frederick L. Griggs. Extra Crown 8vo, gilt top, flat back. 6s. [Highways and Byways Series.

SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, By Jane Austen. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d, Peacock Edition. Cloth elegant, gilt edges. 3s. 6d. Also Illustrated Pocket Classics. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. net; leather, 3s. net.

MANSFIELD PARK, By Jane Austen. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d, Peacock Edition. Cloth elegant, gilt edges. 3s. 6d. Also Illustrated Pocket Classics. Fcap, 8vo, cloth, 2s, net; leather, 3s. net.

EMMA. By Jane Austen. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, 2s, 6d, Peacock Edition, Cloth elegant, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. Also Illustrated Pocket Classics. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. net; leather, 3s. net.

NORTHANGER ABBEY and PERSUASION. By Jane Austen. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d, Peacock Edition. Cloth elegant, gilt edges, 3s. 6d, Also Illustrated Pocket Classics. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s, net; leather, 3s, net.

JACK THE GIANT KILLER, By Hugh Thomson, Illustrated. 4to, 6d.