Page:Elizabethan & Jacobean Pamphlets.djvu/231

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To all Guls in generall, wealth and Liberty.

Whom can I choose (my most worthie Mecæn-asses) to be Patrons to this labour of mine fitter thē yourselues? Your hands are euer open, your purses neuer shut. So that you stand not in the Common Rancke of Dry-fisted Patrons, (who giue nothing) for you giue all. Schollers, therefore, are as much beholden to you, as Vintners, Players, and Puncks are. Those three trades gaine by you more then Vsurers do by thirty in the hundred: You spend the wines of the one, you make suppers for the other, and change your Gold into White money with the third. Who is more liberall then you? who (but only Cittizens) are more free ? Blame me not therefore, if I pick you out from the bunch of Booke-takers, to consecrate these fruits of my braine (which shall neuer die) onely to you. I know that most of you (O admirable Guls!) can neither write nor reade. A Horne-booke haue I inuented, because I would haue you well schooled. Powles is your Walke; but this your Guid: if it lead you right, thanke me: if astray, men will beare with your errors, because you are Guls. Farewell.T. D.