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THE THEORY OF THE THEATRE And Other Principle* of Dramatic Criticism By Clayton Hamilton. Author of " Materials and Methods of Fiction." $1.50 net ; by mail, $1,60. CONTENTS : The Theory of the Theatre, — ^What is a Play? — ^The Psychology of Theatre Audiences. — ^Tfae Actor and the Dramatist — Stage Con- ventions in Modern Times. — ^Economy of Attention in Theatrical Per- formances. — Emphasis in the Drama. — The Four Leading Types of Drama: Tragedy and Melodrama; Comedy and Farce. — ^The Modern Social Drama. Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism. — ^The Public and the Dramatist. — Dramatic Art and the Theatre Business, — The Happy End- ings in the Theatre. — The Boundaries of Approbation. — Imitation and Suggestion in the Drama. — ^Holding the Mirror up to Nature. — Blank Verse on the Contemporary Stage. — Dramatic Literature and Theatric Journalism. — ^The Intention of Performance. — ^The Quality of New Endeavor. — The EflFect of Plays upon the Public. — Pleasant and Un- pleasant Flays. — Themes in the Theatre. — The Function of Imagination. Bookman : " Interesting papers. . . . Presents coherently a more sub- stantial body of idea on the subject than perhaps elsewhere accessible. . . . Mr. Hamilton tells his facts more concretely and briskly than Mr. William Archer, and with more valuable contemporary allusion than Professor Bran- der Matthews. . . . Many familiar things he puts more strikingly than be- fore. . . . An acute analysis of the ingredients of stage appeal. . . . Sugges- tive and illuminating. . . ,. Definite and effective." Boston Transcript : " Briefly and succinctly Mr. Hamilton outlines the four leading types ... at every moment of his discussion he has a firm grasp upon every phase of the subject." THE GERMAN DRAMA OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY By Georg Witkowski. Translated by Prof. L. E. Horning. i2mo. $1.00. Kleist, Grillparze-, Hebbel, Ludwig, Wildenbruch, Sudermann, Haupt- mann. and minor dramatists receive attention. New York Times Review: " The translation of this brief, clear, and logical account was an extremely happy idea. Nothing at the same time so comprehensive and terse has appeared on the subject, and it is a subject of increasing interest to the English-speaking public." < HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK