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tract, but you can sue and be damned. Jackson!" A large negro houseman appeared. "Throw this crook out, will you?"


He felt dazed and homeless and poor, but he started out with Prosperity Classes of his own.

He did very well at Prosperity, except that he couldn't make a living out of it.

He spent from a month to four months in each city. He hired the ballroom of the second-best hotel for lectures three evenings a week, and advertised himself in the newspapers as though he were a cigarette or a brand of soap:

The World Owes You a Million Dollars!
Why Don't You Collect It?

What brought millions to Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie? Will power! Its within you. Learn to develop it. You can! The world-mastering secrets of the Rosicrucians and Hindu Sages revealed in twelve lessons by the renowned Psychologist

Elmer Gantry, Ph.D., D.D., Ps.D.

Write or phone for free personal consultation

The Bowers Hotel
Main & Sycamore

His students were school-teachers who wanted to own tearooms, clerks who wanted to be sales-managers, clergymen who wanted to be newspapermen, newspapermen who wanted to be real estate dealers, real estate dealers who wanted to be bishops, and widows who wanted to earn money without loss of elegance. He lectured to them in the most beautiful language, all out of Mrs. Riddle's magazine.