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( 9 )

playing over again our old game. Democrats in Europe, you are aristocrats in America. What is this to end in? If you will not be good citizens and good Frenchmen, be good neighbours and good allies:—when you have conquered Martinico and Guadalupe, conquer the United States, and give them back to Britain.

Oh, but the Capets will get hold of them? So much the better. Why not let the Capets go to America? Europe would then be rid of them. Are they bad neighbours? rejoice that they are at a distance. Why should not the Capets even reign, since there are those that choose to be governed by them, why should not even the Capets reign, while it is in another hemisphere?—Such aristocrats as you do not kill, you yourselves, talk of transporting. What do you mean to make of them when transported?—Slaves? If you must have slaves, keep them rather at home, where they will be more outnumbered by freemen, and kept in better order. If you mean they should be transported without being enslaved, why not let them transport themselves?

Does your delicacy forbid your communicating with the degraded despots? You
