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nial to your taste? Is it the bloody one?—Go then to those colonists, go with liberty on your lips, and with fetters<!-shrug--> in your hands, go and hear them make this answer.—Frenchmen, we believe you intend liberty for us strangers, when we have seen you give it to your own brethren.

You who hold us so cheap; who look down with such contemptuous pity on our corruption, on our prejudices, on our imperfect liberty;—how long will you take our example to govern you, and of all parts of it those which are least defensible? Is it a secret to you any more than to ourselves, that they cost us much, that they yield us nothing—that our government makes us pay them for suffering it to govern them—and that all the use or purpose of this compact is to make places, and wars that breed more places?

You who look down with so much disdain on our corruption, on our prejudices, on our imperfect liberty, how long will you submit to copy a system, in which corruption and prejudice are in league to destroy liberty?—a compact between government and its colonies, of which the mother country is the sacrifice and the dupe?
