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come out, than I get 50,000l. from the company, and a peerage from the king.—I am a hireling:—but will you then betray the interest of your constituents, because a man has been hired to shew it you?—It would be of use to England:—but are there no such things as common interests, and are you never to serve yourselves but upon condition of not serving others at the same time? Is your love for your brethren so much weaker than your hatred of your neighbours?—It would be of use to England.—But are England and king of England terms so perfectly synonymous, and do you of all men think so?—The king's interest would be served by it:—but by knowing a man's interest, his true and lasting interest, are you always certain of his wishes? Is consummate wisdom among the attributes of his ministers? Have they no passions to blind, have they no prejudices to mislead them? Are you so unable to comprehend your own interest, that it is only from the opinion of others that you can learn it, and those your enemies?—The king of England is your enemy:—but because he is so, will you put yourselves under his command? Shall it be in the power of an enemy to make you do as he pleases, only by employing somebody to
