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Emanuel Swedenborg

fixed environment or program of events, but a state that "corresponded" or was really created by the spiritual state of the inhabitants. Naturally those who did not correspond were unhappy, even suffered torture, by "the violence of activity of opposite against opposite."

Nevertheless the angel received orders from his society that by the Lord's permission ten persons out of the whole assembly were to be chosen, and they would be enabled to visit a real community of a real heaven for three days.

Swedenborg enjoyed describing that visit. The gardens and the gorgeousness and the stately processions and the superb palaces and entertainment—it was all there, but as the Prince of the Society said to his guests—they were reclining at his table at a banquet—"You have seen now that all your joys are joys of heaven also, and are more exquisite than ever you could have thought; and yet these do not affect our minds interiorly." For they were governed, he said, by a strand of three that flowed in from the Lord: Love, Wisdom and Use. The two first did not really appear except as they were together "in bodily act and work," and this, as had indeed by this time been sufficiently emphasized, was what kept the angels from becoming bored with joy.

Sight-seeing later in the heavenly community, the visitors noticed that "at the sides in the outlying parts of the city are various games for boys and youths; there are games of running; games of ball; games with balls driven back and forth called tennis," and debates, and "many other games for calling forth the latent abilities of boys." And there were theaters too, that gave moral performances. The public orchestras had male and female singers as well as instruments, indeed the main diversion of the girls seemed to be song. But they also got married. Only once, however, for in heaven first their spirits were united with their bridegrooms and then their bodies. The visitors attended a wedding, but the six virgins present would not speak with them. Being questioned by the angel guide as to why they so suddenly withdrew, they said, "We do not know. But we perceived something that repelled us and drove us back. They must excuse us."

The angel returned to the visitors and said, "I surmise that you have not a chaste love of the sex. In heaven we love virgins for their