Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/385

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6. N.P., April, 1941, p. 38.
7. N.P., October, 1941, pp. 122 ff.
8. Professor A. G. Nathorst, Superintendent of the Geological Dept., Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, cited by A. H. Stroh in Några vittnebörd om vetenskapsmannen Swedenborg (Stockholm, 1909).
9. "Assessor Swedenborg," by S. C. Odhner, N.C.L. April, 1927, p. 225.
10. Idem, p. 230.
11. See N.P., July, October, 1943; all of 1944; April, July, October, 1945.
12. Introduction to Psychological Transactions, tr. Alfred Acton.
13. Resebeskrifningar af Emanuel Swedenborg, under åren 1710-1739 (Uppsala, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiet, 1910).


1. Swedenborg Summary of Principia, tr. by A. H. Stroh (Bryn Athyn, Pa., Swedenborg Scientific Assoc., 1904).
2. Svante Arrhenius, Emanuel Swedenhorg as a Cosmologist (Stockholm, 1908).
3. For a modern appraisal, see Swedenborg as a Physical Scientist, by Professor Herbert Dingle, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London. (Professor Dingle is an astronomer and physicist.) Trans. 4 (London, Swedenborg Society, Inc., 1938).
4. Idem, quotation from Swedenborg's Principia.
5. Heyl, New Frontiers of Physics, p. 113.
6. Harold Gardiner, M.S., F.R.C.S., Swedenborg and Modern Ideas of the Universe, Trans. 1 (London, Swedenborg Society, Inc.).
7. Ibid.
8. Sir James Jeans, Physics and Philosophy, p. 175.
9. Tafel, doc. 26.
10. Jesper Swedbergs lefwerness beskrifning, p. 591.
11. Enc. Brit. (13th ed.), Vol. I, p. 934.
12. Tafel, doc. 121.
13. N.P. January, 1934, pp. 276 ff.; October, 1934, pp. 361 ff.
14. Preface, Opera Philosophica et Mineralic, Vol. II.
15. Tafel, doc. 5, sec. 54.
16. E. A. G. Kleen, Swedenborg (Stockholm, 1917, 1920), p. 378.
17. Tafel, Vol. I, p. 699.


1. See "Penn, William," Enc. Brit., 13th ed.
2. Sp.D., 2821.
3. Summary of Principia, p. 11.
4. Idem, p. 10, chap. i, summarized by A. H. Stroh.
5. Swedenborg, Of the Infinite . . ., p. 100.
6. Rufus M. Jones, Spiritual Reformers of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (London, Macmillan & Co.).
7. Ibid.
8. Of the Infinite . . . , p. 111.
9. Idem, p. 112.
10. Idem, p. 229.
11. Idem, p. 181.
12. Idem, p. 230.
13. Ibid.
14. On Tremulations, tr. by C. Th. Odhner (Boston), p. 5.