Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/391

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1. N.C.L., January, 1927, p. 3; and N.P., April, 1943, p. 303.
2. D.D.
3. Idem, pp. 15, 30.
4. Idem, p. 62.
5. Idem, p. 37.
6. Idem, p. 28.
7. Idem, p. 53.
8. See Jolan Jacobi, The Psychology of Jung (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1943), p. 87.
9. Idem, p. 59.
10. Journal A.S.P.R., January, 1944, pp. 18, 19.
11. The Fibre, 526.
12. Murphy, “Parapsychology," Enc. Psych., p. 417.
13. Tafel, doc. 272, p. 625.
14. Tafel, doc. 273 A. The dates in brackets are not those of what purports to be the original letter, but Tafel, in his doc. 272, p. 620 ff., convincingly explains that the latter dates have been falsified. The letter, as published in Borowski's Life of Kant, is dated 1758. In it, as cited, Kant assures his esteemed correspondent, Charlotte von Knobloch, that the authenticity of the Gothenburg story could not be questioned. In 1766, Kant published Dreams of a Spiritseer, in which he made fun of “Schwedenberg” for his credulity. The inference would be that Kant later on, after he had presumably investigated still further, had changed his mind about Swedenborg's powers.

But the Stockholm fire and Swedenborg's perception of it while he was in Gothenburg did not take place till 1759. In the letter to C. von Knobloch, thus wrongly dated (or rather re-dated by persons unknown) where Swedenborg's name is correctly spelled, there is still more overwhelming evidence that it could not have been written till after 1766, most probably in 1768.

15. Tafel, doc. 271, p. 616 n.
16. Tafel, doc. 291, p. 724.
17. Tafel, doc. 257 B.
18. Carington, "Experiments on the Paranormal . . . ," Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 168 (July, 1944); J. Hettinger, The Ultra-Perceptive Faculty (London, 1940), and J. Hettinger "Psychometric Telepathy Across the Atlantic," Journal A.S.P.R., July, 1947, p. 94.
19. Murphy, “Parapsychology," Enc. Psych., p. 419.
20. Ludvig Holberg, Udvalgte Epistler, ed. by Fr. Winkel Horn (Copenhagen, Chr. Steen, 1884).
21. Carl Grimberg, Svenska folkets underbara öden, Vol. IV, p. 415.
22. Tafel, doc. 275 H.
23. S. C. Odhner, "New Documents Concerning Swedenborg," N.C.L., February, 1916, p. 99.
24. Tafel, doc. 275 P.
25. Tafel, doc. 275 F.
26. Tafel, doc. 274 B.
27. Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 103.
28. Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 99, p. 299.
29. Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 168.
30. J. G. Pratt, Towards a Method of Evaluating Mediumistic Material (Boston Society for Psychic Research, 1936).
31. For summaries of these complicated cases see Tyrrell, Science and Psychical Phenomena, p. 230; also Kenneth Richmond, Evidence of Identity (London, C. Bell & Sons, 1939). Complete reports in the Proceedings S.P.R.