Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/403

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HAGGARD, DR. H. W., 97-98

Halley, Edmund, 48, 54

Hallucinations, collective, 252

Hart, J., 349

Hartley, Rev. Thomas, 115, 118, 346-348, 360

Heaven, 234, 241; special for ascetics, 277, 318; children in, 281, 298; rich and poor in, 281; traders, 281; officials, 281; beauty of, 281; higher, 299; lower, 300

Heaven and Hell, 236, 278-284, 319

Hell, 234, 240, 241, 281-283, 322—323

Heresy, Swedenborg accused of, 331-332

Hesselius, Andreas, 27, 48, 294

Hettinger, Dr. J., 187, 373

Hieroglyphic Key, 150, 209

Hinduism, 315, 358

Hitchcock, E. A., 163

Hitschmann, E., 162, 163

Hobbes, Thomas, 100

Hodgson and Davey, 372

Hoffmann, Professor, 85

Holberg, Ludvig, 189, 373

Home, Swedenborg's in Stockholm, 202, 271

Höpken, Count A. J. von, 6, 10, 192, 274, 307, 334

Horlemann, Baron, 305

Humanitarians, 18th century, 357

Huxley, Aldous, 38, 114

Hypnosis, memory in, 258

IDEAS, SCIENTIFIC, first expressed by Swedenborg, 72

Indexes, Swedenborg's to Bible, 202

India, telepathy from, 251

Idle, rich women, spirits of, 298

"Influx," 111, 116, 117, 345

Insanity, defined by Swedenborg, 132, 133; Swedenborg mentions his appearing to be insane, 247

Insanity, question of Swedenborg's, 157-167

Intercourse between the Soul and the Body, 344-345, 348

Inventions, Swedenborg's, 57

JACOBI, JOLAN, 373, 376

James, William, 4, 81, 162

Janet, Pierre, 58, 175, 176

Jansenists, 296

Jaspers, Karl, 164-165

Jeans, Sir James, 74

Jerfeld, Professor, 28

Jesuits, 297

Jones, Rufus, 83, 367, 371

Jung. C. G., 164, 182, 237

Jung-Stilling, 187


Kabbalists, and sex imagery, 315

Kant, Immanuel, 184-185, 186, 344, 373

Karma, 358

Kierkegaard, Søren, 358

Kleen, E. A. G., 366, 367

Klemming, G. E., 370

Knobloch, C. von, 373

Koestler, Arthur, 108; The Yogi and the Commissar, 108; Arrival and Departure, 166

Kronheimer, Else F., 374

LAGERBORG, R., 162, 163

Lamm, Martin, 159, 371

Language, image, of spirits, 263-267

Language, Swedenborg's theory of origin, 265

Lapps, shamanism, 128

Last Judgment, The, 294, 296, 302

Layard, John, 372

Leibnitz, 56, 71, 114

Lewis, F. T., 368

Lewis, John, printer, 230, 231

Lewis, Wilmarth S., 366

Library, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 211

Light, in mysticism, 130, 131

Light, seen by Swedenborg, 125, 127, 128

Liquor control, Swedenborg on, 273

Locke, John, 116, 117

London, 18th century, 43; 302, 346, 349

Longitude, A New Method for Finding at Sea. 47

Louis XIV, 297

Louis XV, 297

Luhr, Overton, 372

Luther, Martin, 102, 158, 305

McDOUGALL, W., 372

Machiavellianism, 357

Magnetism, 73

Malebranche, 56, 113

Marriage, in spirit-world, 105, 238, 314-320; mysticism, 315; physiology and psychology, 321, 322; Swedenborg, 80

Marteville receipt, 193, 194, 325, 330

Martin and Stribic, experiment, 171

Mathesius, Pastor A., 158

Medium, Swedenborg, 188, 205-207, 248-249, 325, 327; automatist, 207; defined