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ping one, knitting two together, and slipping the unknitted stitch over the two knit together.

Increasing, or making a stitch is done by throwing the thread once round the needle, and in the next row knitting it as an ordinary stitch.

To knit a round, knit with four needles, cast on—let us say, twenty-two stitches on the first needle, insert a second needle in the last stitch of the first, and cast on twenty stitches; proceed in the same way with a third needle, casting on eighteen only; then knit the two extra stitches on the first needle on to the last—this makes twenty stitches upon each needle, and thus completes the circle.

To Cast off, knit two stitches and with the left hand needle slip the first stitch over the second; continue to the end of the row.

Picking up a stitch is done by taking up a thread, and knitting it as a stitch.

The following abbreviations are those generally used in directions for knitting,

K 1 Knit one plain.
P Purl or seam.
M 1 Increase or make one.
D 1 Decrease one.
Sl 1 Slip one.
K 2 t Knit two together.
T T O or Tho Throw thread over.
T K Twisted knitted stitch.
T P Twisted purl knitted.

A star shows where a repeat of the pattern is begun.

Garter stitch is plain knitting back and forth; many pretty afghans are knit in this way, in long strips, the strips being afterwards crocheted together. A very pretty one can be made of double zephyr wool, four of the strips being an olive green, and three knit in Roman stripes. The stripes are joined with black and yellow