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“Atia Muri.”

“By the Okere Falls.”

A Maori village.

“High, densely-wooded cliffs on either side.”

“Tree fern growing to a tremendous height.”

“Spending one’s days in the forest or on the river.”

“The graceful tree fern . . . . always there to remind us that home and Kent were far away.”

A New Zealand Home.

Mount Egmont. “A certain indefinable air of being en deshabille that the country wears.”

“The famous recreation grounds.”

“It looked so pure against the gorgeous sky.”

“A wonderful wealth and variety of ferns, creepers, and mosses.”

St. Mary’s Church New Plymouth.

The Manawatu Gorge Railway bridge


Lambton Quay, the main street.

Approach to Queen’s Wharf.

“Built in a crescent round the bay.”

Parliament Buildings.

Sea View.

Map of South Island.

“An electic bachelor.”

“On the edge of the sea in among green hills.”

“All hills and dales.”

Gathering nosegays.

A wayside halt.

“Sombre hue of the pines.”

“Over creeks and rivers.”


“A dredge at work.”

“A hamlet built above a river.”

“On the edge of a sheer drop.”

“Cliffs massed with many-coloured ferns.”

“Bearing the legend ‘Stop.’”

“We crossed the river on a punt . . . guided by overhead wires.”

“To retrace the road we had travelled on Saturday.”’

Maori meeting house.

The South African War Monument at Hokitika.

“Boldly outlined against a vividly blue sky rose ‘Aorangi.’”

“A lovely creek, fringed with bush.”

“Rugged ratas flung their misshapen branches.”

“Through the loveliest bush of any we had yet seen.”

Maori Whares, with old woman on roof of rua (a storehouse).

“An entire hill had been sluiced away.”

“The last remaining sluicer was at work on the small remnant of hill standing.”

“The prettiest part is that called Jackson’s.”

“The great iron hose is turned on to a given point.”


“Very wild and rough.”

“The mile-wide shingly bed of the Waimakariri River.”

“Above the flinty Waimakariri.”

“Big dams which were lakes without a tree near them.”

Mutton bird.

The N.Z. International Exhibition.