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Emergency (Date of General Election) (Seventh Term of the Legislative Council) Regulation

Part 2
L.N. 152 of 2020
Section 5

(b) the Notice of General Election of the Legislative Council (Functional Constituencies), which was published, under section 5 of Cap. 541D, in the Gazette on 19 June 2020 as Government Notice 3277 of 2020.

5. Discontinued election ends and related electoral matters cease to have effect

(1) The discontinued election comes to an end at the beginning of the discontinuation date.

(2) Except for the purposes of the matters provided in Part 3, all electoral matters in relation to the discontinued election that took place or came into being before the discontinuation date (including but not limited to the Chief Executive’s specification and the Chief Electoral Officer’s notices referred to in sections 3 and 4 respectively) cease to have effect as from the beginning of that date.

(3) To avoid doubt, and without limiting subsections (1) and (2)—

(a) the discontinued election is not to be regarded as an election that has failed for the purposes of section 46(2) of Cap. 542;
(b) except for the purposes of the matters provided in Part 3, on and after the discontinuation date, an electoral officer (as defined by section 3(1) of Cap. 542) is not required to perform any function provided in any electoral law in relation to the discontinued election; and
(c) the electoral matters referred to in subsection (2) do not have any effect in relation to the 2021 election.