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Eminent Authors of Japan
  • she once gave herself to me … and submitted herself to my passions!
    (Gohei turns suddenly upon Okuni, with a glance of suspicion.)
    (Okuni hangs her head, ashamed.)
  • Tomo.—Madam Okuni, this is my last entreaty to you … Please strike the final blow, and finish me with your own hand!
  • Gohei.—No, that shall never be! I shall finish what I have started, for you are the rival of my love, and you were my master’s enemy.
    (Gohei strikes the final blow, and Okuni falls in grief by the roadside, and covering her face with her sleeves, she weeps.)
    (There is a long pause, during which it is gradually becoming darker.)
  • Gohei.(bending over Okuni) My Lady, … do not weep so bitterly. All is over, and what is done is done.
  • Okuni.—Oh, but my shame is more than I can bear. What must you think of me now that you have heard the truth from Ikeda.
  • Gohei.—Nothing matters now. You and I have realised the desire of our hearts. Now that Ikeda is dead, we have no one to fear in all the world. Let us forget the past, and start with the future only.
  • Okuni.—Then, Gohei, will you promise to love me for ever?
  • Gohei.—I cannot but love you, my lady; for although I do not deserve it you are my dear wife.
  • Okuni.—Now, I am anxious to return home very soon.