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The White Fox (“Byakko-no-yu”)

Persons in the Play

  • Kakutaro (Kaku-chan). A young man enchanted by a fox.
  • Osayo. His lover.
  • Osayo’s Mother. An old woman.
  • The Fox.
  • The Fox’s Children.
  • A Foreign Woman.
  • An Old Woman Servant. Attendant to foreign woman.
  • A Foreign Man.
  • A Policeman.


(Into the middle of the stage from above runs a deep and narrow stream. Many large rocks and boulders in the bed of the stream prevent the audience from seeing the water, but the rushing torrent can be heard splashing and washing on the rocks below the banks. On each side are high cliffs, and a narrow pathway runs up to a small bridge which crosses the stream above. The path from the stream descends to L.C. to the edge of the river near the front of the stage, and there stands an old cottage. This building is the bath-house of a small hot-spring which is slightly visible through the open door.