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The White Fox

speak, I know your reason quite well—I tell you to come home quickly! Come home with me!

  • Osayo.—(Makes no answer.)
  • Mother.—Do you hear what I say? I told you to come home! Anyway, what business have you to leave our house without anyone to watch it? I told you distinctly this very morning that I must go to the neighboring village, and that my return would be late at night. Oh, what a stupid girl you are! (She pauses.) Won’t you come home with me me now?
  • Osayo.—Oh, dear Mamma, I will come soon.
  • Mother.—Oh, you worry me! (Looking up into the sky) Look! the moon is already hiding among the branches of the pine-trees on Mt. Hanno-ki. I don’t think you can see it, can you?
  • Osayo.—Of course I can see it! I am waiting for the coming of the moon!
  • Mother.—Waiting for the coming of the moon?
  • Osayo.—Yes, I am waiting the coming of a man with the moon!
  • Mother.—Pooh! If you are waiting for him, you will wait a long time, for you will never see him again. Kakutaro is already dead!
  • Osayo.—But I’ve heard that if he had really died, his body would have been found. At the time of the death of his brother and sister I was told that their dead bodies were seen from the bridge, floating face upwards on the surface of the stream.
  • Mother.—Yes, at that time they were said to be seen,