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Eminent Authors of Japan

Were you here last night, and other nights before that?

  • Kakutaro.—Yes. Last night, and the night before, and each night before that, and I have watched you taking your bath. I have spoken to you each time, saying: ‘Rosa-san, Rosa-san!’ but although I have called your name many times, you have never once replied to me.
  • The Fox.—Is what you tell me true? I’ve never known you were here, and I am very sorry for you, Kakutaro-san. Will you forgive me?
  • Kakutaro.—I have been very troubled because you would never answer me. But never mind about it now. I am very happy to-night, because I am able to talk to you alone. It makes me think again of the days I spent in Kobe. Don’t you remember, Rosa-san, the many times I came to your room with messages?
  • The Fox.—I remember very well indeed. And now I remember giving you those chocolates.
  • Kakutaro.—There were many decorations and pictures in your room, weren’t there? Pictures, photos, and clothes, and other things… I remember that you had a cage hanging by the window, in which you kept a canary.
  • The Fox.—Yes, you have a very good memory.
  • Kakutaro.—How I envied that little bird!
  • The Fox.—Why? … Why did you envy it?
  • Kakutaro.—Because that canary was able to live near you night and day … all the time, and it could