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Eminent Authors of Japan

them, and it is really a bright ruby that you can see… come, touch it gently with your fingers, and you will see.

  • Kakutaro.—(touches it, and finds that it is a pure ruby set very skifully into her shin. He also notices downy hair like velvet growing on her pearly white arm.) Oh, it is a ruby! … It is truly a ruby! It is just as I thought, and no sore at all!
  • The Fox.—Ha! Ha! Ha! (She laughs again loudly.)
  • Kakutaro.—How it glitters, Rosa-san! If you had a real sore on your skin, would it glitter like that ruby?
  • The Fox.—Ho! Ho! I have had another one set here. Please look! (Saying this, she shows him her leg, on which soft hair is also growing like white velvet. A dark ruby glitters there also.)
  • Kakutaro.—(kneels before her, places her foot on his knee, and touches the ruby on her leg.) Oh, it is true. This is a ruby too…. But what lovely shoes you have on!
  • The Fox.—Ha! Ha! Ha! (She stands up.) Now I must go home, Kakutaro-san. Will you come with me? I will take you to me home if you have no place to go. I will show you the lovely avenues and streets in my native city.
  • Kakutaro.—Oh, I suppose the streets where you were born must be very beautiful. Oh, please forgive me for bothering you, but tell me when you expect to leave here, Rosa-san?
  • The Fox.—To-night … I will go there, to-night.