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Yuzo Yamamoto

Yuzo Yamamoto, the author of the following drama, “A Case of Child Murder,” was born in the little town of Tochigi-machi, in the prefecture of Tochigi, Japan, in the 20th year of Meiji (1887).

He studied at the Tokyo Imperial University, particularly specializing in German literature. After graduating from the College of Literature there, he translated a number of things from German literature, but his success lies solely in play-writing. He is undoubtedly one of the best known play-writers in Japan today.

Mr. Yamamoto’s best known works published in book form are: “The Crown of Life,” “Sakazaki Dewanokami,” and “Kindred Spirits.”

His Plays, when presented on the stage, always prove most successful, because he understands the technique and management of stage productions; and his clever dramas never fail to make an appeal to his audiences, because of the author’s great gift of psychological analysis, which enables him to write deeply and also very naturally.

“A Case of Child Murder” has been presented in Japan many times, and has always proved most successful, drawing large audiences.

Eric S. Bell.